Professional Voice Talent Project Management Services

Todd Schick Productions Inc. has been providing Professional Voice Talent Project Management services since 1998; longer than any company on the internet today – we invented the business model.

The reality is that honesty, integrity, transparency, quality talent, audio and service – “all-in-one” is something unheard of in the voiceover industry.

Don’t have your voice talent handle project management

Consider that almost all VO talent offering home-based recording services are but a single person doing everything. We all know that with any business, administration normally takes up 80% of an entrepreneur’s time. This means the busier the voice talent, project management services will suffer.

Finally, don’t think for second that going to one of those sites that offer “thousands” of voice talent understand what the term “project management” means. They simply want your money and in most cases, will screw up your project, not help you with it.

Here’s some of the voice talent project management services we offer here at TSP:

Voice talent project management from Todd Schick Productions Inc.
Good voice talent are hard to find…

Good voice talent are hard to find…

There are few who do voice over well. Or, we should say do “everything” well. Sure, you can find the voice that’s absolutely perfect for your project; everyone on the team has approved the voice, style and pacing.

You hire the voice talent, only to find out that either their audio quality sucks, they only work in the evenings, you can’t get revisions done quickly….or at all.

And then there’s invoicing, paperwork and correspondence.

At TSP, we know our talent very well…and only work with those people who we have confidence in; their talent, audio, work ethic and overall communication skills.

If a website is advertising they have “thousands” of voiceover talent, you can take it to the bank they have no idea what kind of service – good or bad – their talent roster has.

The greater the number of talent, the bigger the potential problems. So, we keep our roster small and very diverse to suit the needs of our extensive client base.

Whatever your needs – male, female, or foreign language professional voice-over talent – we’ll cast your project for you at no cost to you. Of course, we’ll need a sample of your script and we’ll both need to agree in principle on the budget before we ask our talent to record an audition for you, which is only fair.

When will I need VO Talent Project Management services…?

When will I need VO Talent Project Management services…?

That depends on the size of the project.

If it’s of the smaller variety – say, 10 minutes of finished audio and a single talent – there’s not much involved other than casting a few talent, reviewing some auditions, making your choice and then getting the audio recorded.

The larger projects represent bigger challenges. For instance, we currently handle very large on-going e-learning projects for Food and Beverage companies – think McDonald’s with respect to size.

Scripts involve training new hires and corporate staff in English, French and Spanish. There’s dozens of talent to deal with; all unique in their vocal offerings, all consistent in their service offerings.

These talent span multiple time zones, languages, varied studio gear…the list goes on and on. What we do, is make sure their work is consistent so our clients don’t have any surprises when they place the voiceover into their e-learning project.

Voice talent can be kind of “particular….”

Voice talent can be kind of “particular….”

This is as politically correct as we can be….lol.

Seriously, all these people make their living recording funny voices in small, padded rooms. It’s not a stretch to say it takes a pretty unique individual to put food on the table doing a job like that.

They’re artists.

Don’t forget, they also work at home and don’t get out much; VO is their lives…literally. Put all that together and you have an individual who – on the “business” side of things, can be challenging to work with.

Time and time again, we have customers coming to us saying….

“We’re looking for a professional voice talent; the last guy we worked with was…..well, let’s just say “difficult”. 

This is one reason why voice talent project management is so important. Most of these people wouldn’t make it to lunch hour in a corporate environment before they’re fired.

It’s not that they’re bad people – just different. They all have a unique gift, but that doesn’t mean they also are gifted at basic diplomacy…..or composing an e-mail……or answering the phone.

You get the picture. We handle the talent, so you don’t have to…because you don’t want to.

How much does voice talent project management cost?

How much does voice talent project management cost?

Good question. We don’t know.

To Miguel in Puerto Rico who will be delayed because it’s a National holiday we’ve never heard of, to Julie having a meltdown because she had to take her cat to the vet… do you charge your client for that?

The answer is, we work it into the rate, which usually translates to roughly %15 percent of the total budget. That said, the price varies depending on the size of the project.

Some valuable information to know when hiring voice talent…

Some valuable information to know when hiring voice talent…

Hundreds of voice talent websites have come and gone since 1998. We see roughly 10-20 collapse every year, for the simple reason that very few people know how to properly provide the service; most are pretty sketchy.

OK, very sketchy.

There are companies out there taking as much as 70% of a clients’ budget and pay talent a mere pittance. Their “project management” only serves to convolute the entire process, costing their customers even more money.

Educate yourself.

Follow the links in this article and read up. Knowledge is power….and since 1998 TSP has been educating clients on the service – honestly, fairly and with transparency.

Roughly 90 percent of our clients return to engage our services again, or refer us to other clients.

The reason is simple – we provide excellent voice talent project management services and a high quality product for a reasonable price. Indeed, in the Advertising and Corporate world, fast, courteous and professional service is paramount – you have a deadline and….you need it done right the first time…..

We also provide a lot of “free” services that many other voice talents charge for, like script consultations, delivery services and revisions. Some voice talent (or more to the point, P2P sites) will charge you a hefty fee because you had to change a single sentence or a couple of words in your script – we’re simply not that greedy….and furthermore, our clients deserve to be treated better than that.

Thanks for reading up! If you’d like to engage our services, please click the button below and we’ll get started.

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