“Let’s get Chad to do it……”
Nobody knew how to hire voice talent, so Chad in accounting did the voiceover for the company’s branding video.
He worked really hard on it and was very proud of the end result, but nobody had the courage to tell him that it totally sucked. And then there was the sound of Karen from accounting giggling in the background…..
So, the team went on-line to find a “professional” to do the job.
They only had fifty bucks in the budget, because they already paid Chad three hundred. Turns out the guy they hired for fifty bucks sucked too. Good thing was, there was no sound of Karen laughing in the background.
The thing is, if someone – anyone – had taken 10 minutes to research how to hire voice talent on the internet, they would have avoided the wasted expense.
...(read more) Slowly but surely, people are catching on to the value a good voiceover can bring to the creative table. It’s a nice finishing touch to any project and in most cases, can make or break your presentation, video or e-learning course. What many people don’t understand is that the on-line business of voiceover is very new and rife with corruption. So, there are a lot of websites that make it look easy to hire voice talent, but almost all of them are money pits. Yes, you’ll find many articles and posts out there on the subject of how to hire voice talent on the internet. Most of them are self-serving (advertisement), while others are composed with good intentions, but lead you right into a trap. I’ll be up front and tell you that my “not-so-hidden” agenda for writing this article on how to hire voice talent, is to educate and inform others about the challenges voice talent face earning a living from home. You can: Bottom line? Voice Talent pay P2P sites like Voices.com “up front” for the privilege to answer leads for work. BIG money for subscriptions (as high as $5,000), solely for the purpose of building that all-important client base. In doing so, they have paid for the right to work with you directly. As a client, you have a choice! When you hire voice talent directly, you’re helping to make a positive change in our little industry for the better :-)! If you truly want to support independent voice talent, here are three ways to do it: Below, you’ll find some great information on how to hire voice talent on the internet and at the same time, support independent voice talent.Quality Voiceover = Spectacular Results
Do the right thing. Hire voice talent directly.