As a full-time professional voice talent for over 30 years now I’m on my fourth voiceover recording studio. And, I’ve performed in some of the best studios in the world with a ton of great producers.

Today, I do most of my recording at home. That’s a picture of my voiceover recording studio on the right. Me and my parrot “Buddy” are waiting on the next Winnipeg Jets game.

Buddy is a huge Jets fan. And, he likes to say “How’s your beer, bud?” I’m not kidding.

Out of this voiceover recording studio, I work for clients in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Toronto, Hong Kong, London and all over the world, using ISDN, Source Connect, ipDTL or phone patch.

You can hear some of my demos here.

Voiceover Recording Studio One

Studio 1
This is a picture of my voiceover recording studio and sound proof booth


The voiceover recording studio is, in my humble opinion, state of the art. Now, I won’t get into great technical detail here, but I’ll explain some of the basics.

Kind of hidden on the floor on either side of the desk, you’ll see 2 CPU’s. One is dedicated for Administration and reading voiceover scripts. The other is dedicated for recording. – the DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). Both CPU’s are in ultra-quiet Antec Sonata cases to keep everything nice and quiet.

The desk itself is a Quiklok made in Italy. I love the desk, it’s designed really well and helps me keep all the cables off the floor by having the components both on the desk top and mounted in the rack spaces.

On the overbridge (the raised section of the desk) you’ll see I have two LCD monitors to view Admin and DAW along with my Yorkville Active reference monitors. When I’m editing audio, I always listen on the big, powered speakers (called active monitors) to make sure everything sounds good and all the transients (clicks, pops, stuff like that) are repaired.

The Mackie Big Knob (the thing on the desk beside the mixer with the Big Knob) allows me to switch between three sets of speakers at will (called A-B referencing). It also serves as a talkback unit, so I can communicate with talent in the booth. Which leads us to the next aspect of the studio….

The Sound Proof Booth

Sound Proof Booth
voiceover recording studio soundbooth


First of all, it’s paperless. The two wall-mounted LCD monitors allow me to read off a screen instead of wasting paper and ink – the process also saves time when a deadline is pending.

Crappy font? Change it. Script change? Type it in. New script? E-mail it to me, I can open it up while standing in front of the mic. It’s also an amazing set-up for directing talent – you can highlight, italicize or bold script that needs addressing.

The studio is also unique in the way that it’s designed for a single user – no need for an engineer, because I am one! Along with viewing your VO script on an LCD Monitor, I can also look over to my DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) and make edits “on the fly” – a great service for those directing via phone patch.

Here’s a breakdown of the studio gear, for those who might have interest.

Studio gear includes: RODE K2, NT1000 & Audio Technica AT3525, large diaphragm condenser microphones, Focusrite ISA 430 MKII Producer Pack channel strip, Mackie 1202 VLZ3 Pro mixer, M-Audio Delta 44 sound card, Adobe Audition 3.0, Waves effects bundles (all), Yorkville YSM1P Active monitors, APC H10 Power Conditioner, ISDN, Telos One Digital Telephone Hybrid.

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