Voiceovers.com Review
For those of you who don’t know me here’s a short introduction. I’ve been doing professional voiceover since 1984. I started writing about the on-line business of voiceover in 1998. On this site, there’s a rather extensive archive of articles on voiceover dating back to that time. Indeed, I was one of – if not the first – to offer voiceover services on the internet.
The services-to-talent side of the voiceover industry is rife with corruption and anyone who has been in the business for short period of time knows this to be a fact.
That said, I have always sought to reveal and speak the truth in everything I write regarding the voiceover industry in an effort to educate and inform the most important of stakeholders – talent.
If you notice or feel that anything you read on this site may not be true, please let me know. Indeed, I hope that you discover the truth in this article and in doing so, will encourage others to do the same.
To be fair – it’s a touch early to be writing a review about voiceovers.com – the latest P2P website offering to the voiceover industry.
But, the site works, it’s live on the internet and they’ve collected a buttload of subscription money from voice talent. It’s been over a year since collections and there’s not much of voiceovers.com to review with respect to performance.

Key word there – “collections…”
On Feb 13, 2019, Voiceovers.com sent me an e-mail stating that…..
“…YOUR future is accepting applications….”
As it turns out my “opportunity to apply” for a spot on the roster cost $199.00, but I didn’t know that until I got to the end of the application process – Ye Olde bait-and-hook tactic from Marketing 101. I think the only thing missing from the e-mail was…..
“What I’m about to tell you will change your life forever…..”
Regardless, based on the weight of the URL (not the mailer)….I bought in as did many others. Flash forward one year and after seeing virtually nothing in the form of auditions, I thought it prudent to (first get a refund) do some research and post a voiceovers.com review on my site.
Hmmmm…..this is weird…
Funny thing happened with my refund. I put in the request March 5, 2019. The support staff responded right away and said that it was being processed. March 6th, I got a lead for a $1000.00 gig. On March 11th, a $2500.00 lead appeared in my project folder. Then, March 12th, another $1,000.00 lead. Then back to nothing again.
Virtually no auditions at all from voiceovers.com for months (what I did get was junk)…but when I asked for a refund, suddenly higher end leads appear. Coincidence? You tell me.
A “transparent” rescue…..?
Voiceovers.com looked kinda promising on paper – to everyone. We all quite happily “paid for an application” early in 2019….and with good reason.
With voiceover talent worldwide tired of more than a decade of unethical crap out there like Voices.com, the industry was (is) in desperate need of something fresh….and more importantly – transparent.
In fact, the word “transparency” is used so much by the people at Voiceovers.com (and members), it’s hard not to conclude that the issue of transparency industry-wide was their primary marketing plan all along.
Ironically, it’s the issue of transparency (or lack thereof) that could lead to the demise of this website and I’ll tell you why as we continue the voiceovers.com review……
Nobody’s making any money

Sorry about the ice-pick in the forehead…
I will say that I’m writing mostly on instinct here, honed from decades of experience hearing voice talent saying the same thing over and over and over and over again…..
“I spent $4000.00 because they told me it was going to take my VO career to the next level. Turns out, only my credit card went to the next level…..”
Here’s the thing. Via my Pro membership on Voiceovers.com – I personally got maybe one lead a week of the IVR/On Hold $240.00 variety.
This got me to thinking that maybe I should write a voiceovers.com review. So, I started by contacting a few of those Gold Members to see what their view is like from the top of the mountain.
Turns out, the weather on the mountain top is the same as at the bottom – cloudy and cold with limited visibility.
Everybody on the top are optimistic though; they seem to be quite confident that the clouds are going to clear up really soon and they’ll see massive returns on their $4,000.00 investment.
I wouldn’t hold my breath – the air is pretty thin up there.
Tiered Membership

Sadly, this company made a huge mistake from the start by copying many aspects of the Voices.com and Voice123 business models; the worst being Tiered Membership.
In a nutshell, the “tier” a subscriber purchases dictates how many auditions or leads they get from the site for work. P2P website operators – including Voiceovers.com – are historically never transparent regarding who is getting what.
So, we have no transparency from a site that markets the opposite.
For $3,995.00 you can purchase a Gold Membership that – by all reports – will…..
- Blow a whack of “transparent” sunshine up your keister.
- A gold banner over your face on the profile.
- A “tweaked” profile.
- Limited e-mail placation.
- SEO services.
- Virtually all the auditions that come through the site
- “Feel good” phone calls and videos from Matt and…..
- Little to nothing in terms of revenue (to this date).
Or, you can be a schlep like me and the 1,065 other voice talent who bought a Pro membership for a reasonable $199.00 (early bird price) because we all thought that Voiceovers.com was the Second Coming of…….well, something better and transparent. Your Pro membership gets you….
- A profile on a website that is generating basically nothing, including auditions.
Tiered membership – useless?
Here’s the thing about tiered membership for voice talent on P2P websites – it doesn’t work. For anyone.
Offering memberships for thousands of dollars and then sending the lion’s share of all the voiceover job leads to 50 or so voice talent, waters down the roster and soaks the folks at the bottom.
As a result, clients posting jobs on the site suffer the consequences because they only hear auditions from those (50) talent who have paid for the privilege to audition……even though the site has (seemingly) 1100 “professional” voice talent on the roster.
Consider that many of those talent who could afford to spend $4,000.00 may be similar in vocal style – further limiting a client’s choices. Then there’s the notion that $4,000.00 may have been accepted from talent who are marginal or average with respect to skill set.
So…….what is Voiceovers.com selling exactly? High-brow exclusive VO talent branding services for the few, or a P2P site for the many?
I know for sure clients don’t care – they just want to listen to voices…and when it comes to a P2P site, I dare say more than the same 50 voices over and over again.
Let’s crunch the numbers, shall we?

What’s a voiceovers.com review without some hard mathematics?
Turns out this whole math thing was highly problematic. There are 49 Gold members and 1065 Pro members – I think.
If you go page-by-page through the search results, talent profiles repeat, so it’s hard to get a firm number. It’s painfully obvious that they’re making it look like there’s more talent on the site than there is.
The Gold members I counted individually. Then, I looked at the page counter at the bottom that revealed 213 pages left at five talent per page – all the Pro members.
Number crunching
So – based on that calculation – here’s the subscription numbers:
49 Gold Members @ $3995.00 ea. = $195,755
1065 Pro Members @ $250.00 ea.* = $266, 250
*(adjusted to reflect early-birds @ $199.00)
Grand total: $462,005 (roughly).
Basically half a million….and that’s just subscriptions! Let’s not forget that Voiceovers.com also charges a hefty 20% commission on every gig.
Yep, that should be enough startup cash to keep Matt Dubois in the black AND hire Graeme Spicer to get those renewals for next year.
On that subject, let’s talk overhead.
- I checked the corporate address on Google maps, looks like they have an office in sunny, warm Las Vegas, Nevada.
- A website. This looks like a basic WP site with a few plugins and very basic graphics.
- D-Clientizer Rate Calculator. A website algorithm investment at start-up. Basic marketing gimmick? Consider the 20% commission when it spits out a rate.
- On-line advertising – probably the biggest expense next to the office, but who knows how much?
- SEO Services. Matt “says” they’re throwing money at it. Tricky to monetize that…
- Staff….? Hard to say. No transparency there. Usually, when there’s a “team” of people, we see photos and profiles of said team on the website. That said, I think Matt wears all the hats, with Graeme Spicer being the only other staffer.
Alright, let’s be really generous and say the website cost $50,000 for development. If it cost more than that, then Matt’s a complete idiot. That leaves $400,000+ for the office, Matt’s salary and Graeme Spicer’s cut…..sounds like a good year in Vegas.
The one consistent comment I heard from the Gold members, was (generally)…
“They are being really transparent and really great about everything – great SEO results! They keep me informed and are honest about how things are going…..Matt is a great guy….an advocate for voice talent….”
Look carefully at the appointment of Graeme Spicer. He comes from a retail sales/marketing background . Graeme dabbles in VO, but majors in selling VO talent services having graduated from the Edge Studio University of Voice Coaching and Demo Production in NYC. One day before subscriptions became active (December 12, 2019), he’s suddenly appointed “Director of Talent Services” for Voiceovers.com.
Why? All I can say is, beware the phone call from the guy who used to work at K-Mart and Billy Bob’s VO Demo Hut Emporium.
Of those Gold Members contacted all reported a “somewhat steady” flow of leads (a generalization) and one reported revenues. Most avoided the subject of ROI. Truth be told, I got the feeling they all liked Matt and didn’t want to throw him under the bus.
I contacted the same amount of Pro members and they all said the same thing – nothing in the way of auditions, but they believed in what Matt is doing. I personally can’t believe what he’s doing…..but that’s me.
All members – Gold and Pro – were on the same page regarding the quality of leads. What auditions they do get for work, most are not worth the effort.
The bulk of all the leads that come into the site this day obviously go directly to Gold Members to keep them happy, because they’re looking a lot closer at ROI. To make sure that group of fifty people break even on their $4,000 investment, they’ll have to generate roughly a quarter million in revenues in 12 months, because they’re taking a 20% commission on every job, remember?
That means Pro members take it on the chin and get next-to-nothing IVR/On Hold scraps (unless you just asked for a refund), because hey….they only spent $300.00 on a new site that’s just getting started. I mean really, who cares about them?
Who cares? The Pro members. Because they – all 1065 of them (maybe, we don’t know for sure) – made a “goodwill gesture” that added up to…
$266, 250

Wow. That’s a BIG number. A lot of money from a lot of people who will most likely never even audition for gig, much less see a return on their hard-earned dollar.
And remember, we’re not talking hacks here….these are (ahem) “Pros”…..like me.
So, is Voiceovers.com really better and “transparent” compared to what’s out there? In my opinion, no.
Flawed business model
Bottom line? The business model doesn’t work.
Think of it like a kind of pyramid scheme. So long as there’s people paying $4,000 to stand on the top, the people below get stepped on until they all leave. Those left, are faced with paying $4,000 every year to get….anything.
As time goes by, the website ends up with a smaller and smaller roster of those $4,000 voices that clients get tired of hearing. Clients leave one by one…..and the business model reveals its weakness.
Tiered membership, exorbitant fees for exclusivity, lower tier members getting screwed…topped off with a healthy amount of smoke and mirrors. It’s hard NOT to compare this site with Voices.com. It’s how they operate their business to this day! The only difference being that people “like” and “believe” in what Matt is doing whereas David’s reputation precedes him in the most unflattering of ways.
Make no mistake…belief in something is powerful thing. Indeed, it can put really bad people in charge of very powerful things. We’ve all seen a lot of that lately.
Don’t forget – I talked to quite a few voice talent and other professional colleagues as part of my research on this website. Agents simply stated they’d seen it before many times…..no surprise. As for talent….my strong gut feeling is that everyone didn’t want to accept the fact they made a mistake buying in and instead….tried to justify their investment.
As a paid member of this website – a veteran voice talent – I took off the rose-colored glasses and had a look at my wallet. There was no ROI on $200 after a year and the forecast was looking really bad. I came to the conclusion that I had been sold the “illusion of transparency” and logically asked for a refund (thank you, Spock).
“The road to hell is paved by good intentions….”
- Was “good intentions” the premise for Voiceovers.com….or,
- A company registered in Las Vegas, Nevada trying to capitalize on the issue of “lack of transparency” in Voiceover Land?
I’ll put my money down on the latter.
Time will tell.
Well done, Todd – great article.
Like a lot of other people, I got excited and signed up for the pro membership. Once the site was finally up and running, I only received a light smattering of auditions that were low pay. I also received auditions asking for female talent (and I definitely don’t have that kind of range).
Asked for a refund in November 2019 – and to their credit, I received it just a few days later.
I will be sharing this right away.
Hey James,
Thanks for sharing! Yes, many people (Pro members) have echoed your words – a few auditions, all pretty lame.
Good for you for getting a refund ;-)!
Be well,
Thorough recap Todd. Unlike James i haven’t yet asked for a refund – but that will definitely be the first email I’ll do on Monday.
Hopeful optimism is not a great business strategy and as much hoopla as was generated, I too am disappointed at the results so far.
It is also disappointing that we still don’t see a better option for online casting sites than those out there as that business model is not going anywhere anytime soon.
Anyway, will be interested to hear what comes of this “scathing” article in “the internets” in the coming days.
Hey David, Thanks for posting. Not sure that hopeful optimism was even part of the plan; given the fact that $4,000 was accepted from talent in exchange for said optimism. If Matt was truly a nice guy and an advocate for voice talent, he wouldn’t be double-dipping in the first place. And in the second place, he would actually “have” something to sell before asking for money – regardless of the sum. Yes, I agree with your comment regarding other options. So long as the people running these sites are not related to the voiceover business (Matt is an IT… Read more »
This was my experience as well. Thanks for the read. And for quelling the tiny remnants of FOMO I had after asking for a refund.
Hey Dani,
I hope you didn’t pay the $4K?
Regardless, I’m thinkin’ it was smart move to….you know….move on. ;-)!
Hey Todd, Thanks for writing this article. Very informative! I had been on the fence for over a year on joining. I’d also heard about the transparency benefits, so I finally pulled the trigger and signed up 2 weeks ago. Now I have my doubts because I’ve been sent maybe 3 auditions, all fairly low pay, and we cannot use COVID as the reason since auditions have been humming through all my other channels. I did the basic membership since I didn’t even realize there was a $4k level till now (not that I would have paid that amount),… Read more »
[…] Todd Schick gave another great review with some alarming things that I haven’t yet experienced. Read it here! […]
Excellent piece. I don’t think we mind the competition for a gig but we sure do not like the vultures feeding on our careers.
Amen to that.
Todd! The exact thing happened to me. Joined on the 14th of July of this year. Got no response on the 15th, 17th and 20th when I attempted to get a response about not being able to audition. So, today, I asked for a refund. About 2 hours ago, I got an audition for …… wait for it, $2,000. I did not do the audition because something is squirrelly here. Stay tuned ……. and, again, thank you for your research and for your honest post.
Hey Deborah,
Thanks for sharing your observation :-)!
Doesn’t surprise me. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck……
Kind regards,
Todd Schick
All very good points and observations….Talent should not have been allowed to sign up when they did. The website has lots of bugs that are not addressed. One that is a headache is the browser not remembering your login and having to log in every time. Another is pagination. When you browse talent on different pages, some appear again, which shows their backend code was not written properly to query their database. On top of that there were several outside people that harassed members in their messaging feature for scams. Good software companies don’t ship broken code. So he has… Read more »
Hey Jeremy, Thanks so much for your observations here… Scammers will eventually reveal their nasty side at some point along the way. Usually a personal attack on the person who catches them with their hand in the cookie jar or something like that. Basically, the entire website is a piece of junk…code, graphics, layout – the gamut. In my opinion, he was simply after the membership money all along and had no interest in providing a service. People are already jumping ship – he’ll have little to no renewals come the end of the year – save for the odd… Read more »
Hey Todd–thought you could use another update on VOs.com from a, now, FORMER member: After hearing Matt B’s heartfelt and passionate sell of the ‘greatness’ that Voiceovers.com would be for the VO marketplace, I signed up to be a part of the initial beta launch of the website. I paid my $199 for the standard Pro membership (hindsight: waste of time) Long story short, in the 18 months I was on their roster, I had 17 total auditions. Sure, there were a few other invites that came through to my inbox, but it seemed that the moment I would get… Read more »
Hey John, I can understand why you’re frustrated – as you said, $199.00 really isn’t worth the long delay or ignoring e-mails. If it makes you feel any better, I had to wait a while…..and while I waited, they sent me high-end leads! Obviously a lame attempt at getting me to change my mind. In my opinion – and that of many who have posted here – the people behind the website are nothing more than common thieves who don’t deserve the respect of their peers, much less their money. Live and learn, I guess. Thanks for sharing, John! Kind… Read more »
What a breath of fresh air this was for me Todd! My experience is exactly that of yourself and those who have commented. I had been wondering ‘is it just me?’, and while disappointed that the hype for this site turned out to be just that, I am relieved to know that moving on from this is an easy decision. It began to resemble a Ponzi scheme some time ago. I seem to recall the founder of one of the rare reputable sites (although my memory may be faulty, so no wish to attribute) expressing incredulity that the site was… Read more »
Thank you for this, I received an email from them asking me to join up and checked the reviews straight away. I’m on a few of the P2P sites and getting pretty over the low paying crap, also that you can’t really build relationships with clients for future work. For so long though, it seemed like the only way for me to get consistent work! Think I’m going to start investing more in my SEO. I’ve read a few of your articles now and will be coming back for more!
Hey Josephine, Good for you to check reviews before whipping out your credit card! To build up a client base, you need to first make sure your audio is the best it can be. You need to be able to compete with the quality product other talent are putting out there (the ones who are getting the work). Multiple revenue streams is the key. You can’t expect that any one site will deliver. As for investing in SEO, that’s never a bad thing……but the SEO service landscape is a complete nightmare – and expensive. I would research the basics and… Read more »
Hi Todd –
I thought you’d be interested to know the numbers that Matt is releasing to his current membership. An email went out to members detailing their numbers from 2020. If true, the numbers are embarrassing low.
2020 in Numbers
Hey Julia, Thanks for the info! Wow….with numbers like that…..one has to wonder why they released them at all. Let me guess….”transparency”….? If I were one of the $4,000 members…er…”investors” I’d be pretty pissed. Especially with the “secured new investment” scenario. How much money will be collected before Matt disappears, leaving everyone holding the bag? Remember, the company is registered in Nevada, folks. Legally, he’s got nine ways from Sunday to walk from this one. I say get out while there’s still time. I certainly wouldn’t be so foolish as to renew. That ship has obviously been sinking for a… Read more »
Thanks for all the information, Todd, and thanks to all those who have posted their comments here as well. I’ve been a professional voice talent for 27 years, and a member of VDC for about 3 years with mixed results (to be kind!). I read the entire thread on your site about Voices and found it all to be too true. Today I received an email from the “Talent Team” at Voiceovers.com with a “membership offer” to take my “voice over career to the next level.” For $299 I can now get 13 months of membership — one month free!… Read more »
Hi Tiffany,
Thank you for your comments….and my sincere apologies for the delayed response.
I’m sure that – while you found everything in the Voices.com article to be truthful – it’s also old and outdated. Indeed, Voices has now implemented many more mechanisms by which they can continue their greedy ways, not to mention commissions as high as 25%.
That said, I’ll be updating the article shortly.
As for Voiceovers.com….in my opinion, it’s a total scam….as history has seemingly revealed.
Glad to hear you dodged the bullet!
Just got my “come join us at voicevers.com” email today, and SO happy to see your review. They won’t be getting a penny from me now.
Thanks, Todd!
Hey Craig….
You what’s even funnier…? They sent it to me too!
Hey Todd,
Great article! I had a similar experience, but I ponied up for the $4K membership. When nothing really materialized, I was lucky enough to get a full refund and head for the hills. I think folks need to beware on this one. Somebody’s making a lot of money and it’s not the voice actors.
Hey Justin,
Lucky you! Agreed…buyer beware.
Thorough review. Thanks so much for taking the time to research and write/record all this information. Crazy stuff!!
Hey Kathie,
Crazy indeed….
Thank you so much for this incredibly helpful article. I was about to subscribe & thought – hmmm – something feels off – let me see if there any reviews….
I am lucky enough to have a wonderful agent in LA but as an “outsider” – a Brit – I can get more easily hoodwinked over here when I venture into the “oppurtunities” that sneak into my Inbox…
Thank you again
Lucinda Clare
Hey Lucinda…
Always good to do some research before whipping out your credit card – especially in the world of VO.
All the best!
Hey Lucinda..
I’m glad you found the information useful…..and affordable :-)!
Awesome article; very informative! Also, engaging and entertaining (despite the bleak subject.) I really enjoyed your read.
Hey Dan!
Thank you for your kind words…I’m glad you found it entertaining :-)!
Hey Dan,
Thanks for dropping a note and for your kind words…. :-)!